Reefscapes are a collection of aerial landscape paintings from Kauai, Northern California, and Greece. This body of work introduces technology as part of my creative process - using drone photography as references and digital painting as preliminary "sketches" for larger oil paintings. These pieces speak in a parallel manner to the perspective shift and technological dependence the world has experienced during Covid times. The new work floats somewhere between realism and abstract expressionism, challenging the viewer's perception of believable color relationships in representational painting while also zooming out on traditional seascape painting. This body of work signals a return to the ocean as a vital part of my creative growth as an artist.
Awash24" x 20" oil on canvas sold |
Ocean's Breath40" x 16" oil on canvas sold |
Cleansed20" x 20" oil on canvas sold | Rested20" x 20" oil on canvas sold |
A Blushing Coast12" x 12" oil on canvas sold | A Rouge Seclusion12" x 12" oil on canvas sold |
Giving14" x 14" oil on canvas sold | Receiving14" x 14" oil on canvas sold |
Warmer Waters36" x 60" oil on canvas unavailable | Living Waters36" x 60" oil on canvas unavailable |
Secrets24" x 24" oil on canvas sold |
A Warm Wash8" x 8" oil on canvas available | A Cool Shift8" x 8" oil on canvas available | A Foggy Approach8" x 8" oil on canvas sold |
An Unlikely Place8" x 8" oil on canvas sold | A Surprise Greeting8" x 8" oil on canvas available | A Hasty Parting8" x 8" oil on canvas available |
A Gentle Beauty8" x 8" oil on canvas available | A Changing Course8" x 8" oil on canvas available | A Rugged Facade8" x 8" oil on canvas sold |
A Rising Tide8" x 8" oil on canvas sold | A Contented Tide8" x 8" oil on canvas available | A Retreating Tide8" x 8" oil on canvas available |
Digital Paintings
Arrivaldigital painting | Queen's Bathdigital painting | Soldigital painting |
Meeting Placedigital painting | Reefdigital painting | Recedingdigital painting |
Shifteddigital painting | Secrets: In Motiondigital painting |
Haenadigital painting | Passingdigital painting |
Shallowsdigital painting | Tunnelsdigital painting |